Friday, October 30, 2009

I salute our Troops

I have decided to break the theme here (hiking and hockey) to address something more important--our troops. When I say that I mean our soldiers, sailors, airman and marines that fight for our freedom every day. I attended a luncheon yesterday that the National Homeland Defense Foundation ( and the Chamber of Commerce in Colorado Springs sponsored. They started inviting returning commanders from Iraq to come and brief the community on their activity in Iraq--usually 12-18 month tours. Yesterday, Col Col Henry Kievenarr III briefed us on the 2nd BCT/4ID activities in Iraq. When we started this war, we had conventional ideas--we were trained to beat the Russians. As time went by we somehow learned that these are people, just like us that want to live their lives to their fullest. The military evolved. We became friends with the people in Iraq. We became involved in their well being, so much that when we rotated out of there---people cried-both Americans and Iraqis because they became life long friends. We found that to win this war, we needed to win over the people--show them that there is a better way to live. We cleaned up their streets, fixed their sewers, water supplies, electrical grids, and we built them schools. Our soldiers became foster parents to their children. We became their friends. We did what everyone said could not be done in a thousand years--stop the war in this region. Why? Because we did it with love. We learned to love these people as if they were us--our friends our relatives. Is everything fixed? No there are still problems, but we learned a valuable lesson. People cherish their freedoms. They want to be able to live, learn, thrive, and multiply in a secure environment. That's how we became a great nation. We have differences, but one thing we share is a Constitution that allows for everyone the right to seek their goals without impediments. I can see now that there are some in Washington that want to take that away. I used to be worried. Then I met the soldiers of the 4th ID. I attended AUSA, the largest military symposium on the planet and met the young solders that learned first hand what freedom means. Go ahead Obama, fill your czar positions with communists. Get your far left Congressional members to pass bills that take away our fundamental rights. While your were sleeping we were building American patriots that sacrificed their lives, limbs and who knows what to help oppressed people. Don't think for one minute that you have us fooled. We now have our own greatest generation that see that freedom is not free. That open free markets are what build a society-they teach the Iraqis how to build their economy on free market principals. They see it working. Tax the hell out of us and you know what you will get? Millions of Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, and their families, friends and associations telling you to go back to Chicago--because they know that does not work. They see that in just 9 months your have quadrupled the national debt. You have driven the unemployment rate from 5 percent to 10 and then you have lied saying the depression is over, but we need to spend more money. 75% of the American people are against you now. By this time next year, unless you change drastically and start following the Constitution,,, 90% will be asking for your removal. We are tired of Acorn. We are tired of the Apollo Alliance. We have seen through them and realize they are the same type of people that backed Hitler. Parties mean nothing, principals are what rule. Principals brought us from cave dwelling status to the most powerful nation on earth---and your protege, the idiot Van Johnson had the gall to ask "how is that capitalism working for you?" Quite well thank you now go back to Siberia and work in the Salt mines where your belong. I have used to be very pessimistic on our future. Then I met and talked to these soldiers, and I ask myself "Where did they come from?" They have more courage and fundamental understanding of our freedoms than anyone I have ever met. They are are the future, and you know what Obama? They don't particularly like you. You have yet to make a decision on Afghanistan. You have not served a day and you are lecturing people that have fought, lost life, limb and family over how to fight this war. I am embarrassed that we even considered you eligible for election. Where were you born anyway? Lets see the certificate and get on with it. You don't have it do you? Another lie. Well one thing for sure, the tide is turning and people are waking up to the lies from you and the corrupt politicians in Congress, both Democratic and Republican. Your days are numbered. Now is the time for the second rising of the Americas as our Founding Fathers envisioned and time to throw you and your communist friends out in the cold.

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